
here's the thing...


I've never been to Knott's Berry Farm. But
this picture of a wood animal on Dinosaurs & Robots sparked a memory of an old L. Frank Baum Oz book, Jack Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse.

My mom had most of the old Oz books, their covers illustrated by John R. Neil. I never read these books; as far as I was concerned, the Oz tale was done with The Wizard of Oz. I didn't want to read any new storylines, which Neil's illustrations, though compelling, promised to be disturbing.



Its body was a log with four sticks stuck into it for legs.
A branch at one end of the log served as a tail, while in
the other end was chopped a gash that formed a mouth.
Above this were two small knots that did nicely for eyes.

Another recollection of the same kind of wooden animal: In 1985, was driving across Texas on Interstate 10 and seeing bright yellow billboards that posed the question: "What is THE THING?" Further along, more billboards stated, "Don't Miss THE THING."

(I love how you can find anything and everything on the Internets!)

After thirty or so of these signs, I really wanted to know what THE THING was, so at a
tourist trap in the middle of nowhere, which was clearly the source of the THING ads (more bright yellow billboards proclaiming "Here's THE THING!"), I stopped. I bought some rocks and paid a small admission. I walked though a shoddily walled maze lined with "artifacts," an old rifle, Hitler's car and many creepy "wood-imals" or "thingimals."


Every few feet or so, there would be a yellow poster under one that read, "Is this THE THING?" It was a pretty long maze. Finally, at the end, there was a horizontal glass case and a sign above the glass top: "THE THING. What Is It?" THE THING was a fake mummy with a fake mummy baby at her fake mummy breast. It was a thing, all right.

Looks like the mummy baby must've disintegrated since the '80s.

*Speaking of Tik-Tok, more disturbing yet compelling art: Herblock's Here and Now. A book of political cartoons I didn't understand and couldn't look away from when I was a kid. Especially the scary Mr. Atom, who looked like a big bratwurst.


one of these things is almost just like the other

I was googling for something totally unrelated to anything on this page. Maybe the tag "advertising" was picked up when I was searching for the "wake up people" ad (see previous post). It was a while ago. I can't remember. Anyway, I was immediately struck by the similarity of the cat on the ad to a rubber cat puppet I have at home that I bought in some obscure town in Florida. It wasn't even close to Halloween.

death of the comma of direct address

Okay, they seem to have a copy editor for the site...maybe, but Pepsi sure needed one for the huge billboard ad posted at Hollywood and Highland: "WAKE UP PEOPLE." Are we supposed to wake them up? Should we throw a can of the latest version of Pepsi at them?

I googled for the "Wake Up People" billboard but could only find this one.

It's hard to tell, but I don't see a comma.

I guess I could go drive down to Hollywood and Highland and snap a shot, but then I'd have to drive down to Hollywood and Highland. Take my word for it. No comma. You can see it on the television spot at wakeuppeople.com. That said, I entertained the idea that it was a design call to leave the comma off, especially since they seemed to acknowledge the proper punctuation on the site. But then, when I clicked around, I saw they're not consistent with it, even worse than leaving the comma out altogether.

Okay, then there's the Forgetting Sarah Marshall campaign. For weeks, maybe months, I've been seeing ads at bus stops and on billboards all over town...

I mean it's one thing to tell Sarah Marshall she sucks. It's another to tell me to suck Sarah Marshall.

P.S.: I thought it was just a rhyme!
You know expressions like "hand over fist"? Ones that are hard to make any sense of? Like "happy as a clam"? What does that mean? Are clams happy? I see no affect exhibited by clams...but maybe that's the point. Anyway, in image-googling the words wake up people, I did come across a pic of a dog fucking a duck. Why? Why?! My eyes!


quick as a wink

I ink, therefore I am.